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    Premium +

O kopalnia

  • Urodziny 16 Czerwca

W świecie gry

  • ID konta gracza 284340
  • Nick kopalnia
  • Data rejestracji 2021-12-21 16:02:01
  • Ostatnio widziany 2024-12-20 10:25:16
  • Łączny czas gry 1154 godz. 10 min.
  • Organizacja Pilchy 11
  • ➜ Ranga P. GrupaPilchy11
  • Respekt
    Life Points
    Punkty karne


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7168 wyświetleń profilu

Osiągnięcia kopalnia

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Zaawansowany użytkownik (3/4)



  1. Bij bolszewika w każdej go postaci
    Bo to jest twój największy dzisiaj wróg
    To przecież on kościami twoich braci
    Brukował sieć swych niezliczonych dróg
    To przecież on na Sybir gnał twe dzieci
    A z jęków ich wesołą składał pieśń
    To przecież on dziś naszych ojców gnieci
    I każe im komuny jarzmo nieść

    1. .franek


      To przecież on w katyńskim ciemnym lesie
      Wbił w polską pierś znienacka ostry nóż
      Mordując tam najlepszych polskich synów
      Jak podły zbir nikczemny zdrajca tchórz
      To przecież on jak bóstwo czci Stalina
      Kapłanom twym nie szczędząc srogich mąk
      To przecież on z kościołów zrobił kina
      I depcze krzyż czerwoną gwiazdę czcząc

  2. kopalnia wieczorem siano będzie bo mnie nie ma na chacie i wieczorem bede kolo 20

  3. Model: ZR-350 ID:112141 Pojemność silnika: 2.2 Przebieg pojazdu: 6.8kkm Dodatki: progi (1017), stereo, felgi (1077), wydech (1018), moduł UP1, moduł UP2, moduł UP3, moduł UP4, tablica rejestracyjna (M1 MAZDA), podświetlenie licznika (███), ogranicznik prędkości, wykrywacz fotoradarów, radio CB, moduł ABS Cena: offki Coś od siebie: demonty rowniez dostepne SS’y:
  4. Wow, fajnie jakby takie cos bylo na 4l
  5. I was born on February 24th, 1970
    The day I was delivered
    They said I would build a legacy
    Picture me with influence
    That last generations
    I was made out of love to
    Keep you happy and educated
    The first three letters of
    The alphabet my name
    I made you laugh, I made you dance
    I made you sing
    I been around the world and back
    You recorded my almanac
    So dearly way before the fact
    Me and pops was estranged
    My father was a public figure
    Bigger than life
    Lived as a winner, on stages alike
    Rivers of people surely united
    Just to see our bond
    Time carried on, that was a common thread
    My perfect father had many flaws
    Still they moved they legs and
    Shook they heads in unison
    He had more children, I was the oldest
    We always played with each other
    'fore they ruined 'em
    He told me his personal secrets
    Childhood catching on beatings
    Sexually touched and abused
    Never seen life in a school
    The price of being iconic
    Was demonic and screwed
    I stood on stage and had to
    Watch my father on the news
    Stress on the head of my spirit
    I was lost and confused
    I knew both sides of the story, but still
    I couldn't choose see, it was more than
    Humiliation and bein' sued
    They crucified my affiliation for
    Points to prove
    And now my purpose for livin'
    Makes no difference to you
    My total existence was for
    Makin' a smiling move
    They said that I'll live forever
    But the moment he died
    More accusations arrived i had to die too
    I remember takin' my first
    Breath August 28th, 1963
    The whole nation had saved the day
    I made it on TV
    My come out was a standing ova'
    The crowd in disbelief
    How could a group of words be so great?
    Designed to make you think
    Races and faces embracin' my
    Conscience in letter form
    How gracious was I speakin' on
    Changes once outside the norm?
    The person responsible, my creator
    He never conformed or used hatred
    To form mass retaliation
    Watch him perform with conviction
    Two hundred and fifty thousand souls
    Left they homes to listen
    I gather his thoughts in abundance
    Made to complete the mission
    His life became heroic, then tables turned
    My creator stripped from being a
    Poet because he yearned
    Other women, infidelity stricken
    I can't say he was perfect
    It made me nervous
    They tear him down and forget me
    I prayed that I survived in
    The midst of the controversy
    How many lives'll fall on deaf
    Ears if I'm not worthy?
    I won't justify his personal problems
    That's not my job
    I was only born to make sure
    Your children can play outside
    And I imagine the other demons
    He hid before he died
    If they came to surface
    This dream probably won't be alive
    Because of you
    I was born in paranoia, it's poison for us
    We can't create with joyous ambition
    We're out of luck the critics formed a new
    Coalition and huddled up
    The non-creators are now elated
    And out of touch
    Why can't you gladly appreciate
    The influence we give?
    Stop starin' at me disgusted
    My substance made sure you'd lived
    You want the head of the messenger
    And the history from him
    Which eventually takes away from
    The good you accustom
    Think of a life without the
    Likes of imagination that's prosperin'
    The bodies that you consider genius
    You like to box 'em in
    The great debaters and thinkers
    They gave you a voice
    Why can't you prosecute the crimes and
    Not the thoughts I employ?
    Because your better judgement will always
    Look down on me
    But if I recollect how we connect
    You'll account on me
    I got a theory that most of
    Y'all won't allow to see it goes like this
    Talent doesn't choose morality
    See, if Daniel Hale was a killer
    Would you not want a heart?
    If Carl Benz was a racist
    Would you stop driving cars?
    I can't help we jump in these bodies
    And you called them a God
    Just know the Earth is just a
    Rock without the voices of art
    Sincerely yours
    1. kopalnia
    2. Nels0n


      Co to jest kopalnia XD

    3. kopalnia


      muzyka toc chgyba nap;isalem occo

  6. Treść wątku: Model: Savanna Pojemność silnika: Najlepiej 2.0, 1.8 jeśli ma lampy Przebieg pojazdu: - Cena: do uzgodnienia Dodatki: dogadamy się Coś od siebie: savanki szukam pod hydre
  7. słoik ogórkow pikantnych i 5 rubli
  8. czyje rekru teraz

  9. 1,020 dni bez bana. czuje sie dobrze
    a ty @Gl0snikco tam? co będziesz w rocznice tygodniową robił?

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